2022年3月26日 星期六

請董事長 維護台積電聲譽,調查以欺騙手段裁員事件

請董事長 維護台積電聲譽,調查以欺騙手段裁員事件





但是台積電少數主管,正默默地 重蹈覆轍 製造危機

台積電 少數主管,以為大家都淡忘董事長的命令了



每個員工與主管都需 謹記在心

複習一下,PMD 考績制度

張忠謀創立的,績效管理與發展制度PMD 三大原則:

第一點 :「鼓勵表現優異者。」

第二點 :「督促改善,不改善才請他離開。」

第三點 :「努力卻不稱職,主動為他尋求他職。」

讓台積電一直領先群雄 ,建立業界良好典範


只有董事長能,再創光榮 令世界讚嘆


來看看 2009年,台積電董事長 如何反轉,聲譽受損危機 再創高峰

不能違反董事長的命令 讓董事長違反對社會的承諾

部落格 https://tmdtree.blogspot.com/

YT頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBWKPqpH7yxip8FU1q65wQ?sub_confirmation=1

臉書 https://www.facebook.com/groups/happytsmc

臉書 https://www.facebook.com/groups/811745563092098

中天新聞  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHy_gm2j9Tc


TSMC has a small number of executives, who violated the chairman's instructions, used deception, and laid off employees

It can't be like the massive layoffs in 2009, which severely damaged the reputation. It can only be broken into pieces. At least there are two that I know of.

The chairman said: TSMC people are the most important asset of TSMC

Chairman said: performance appraisal cannot be used as a layoff tool

But a few executives at TSMC are silently repeating the same mistakes and creating a crisis

A few TSMC executives thought everyone had forgotten the chairman's order

Dismissing employees based on performance appraisal

You can't just lay off employees in the name of poor performance, let alone "violate integrity".

Every employee and supervisor needs to keep in mind

Review, PMD performance appraisal system

The three principles of the performance management and development system PMD founded by Zhang Zhongmou:

Point 1: "Encourage high performers."

The second point: "Supervise improvement, and ask him to leave if he does not improve."

The third point: "trying hard but incompetent, take the initiative to seek other jobs for him."

Let TSMC always lead the pack and establish a good example in the industry

Only the chairman can surpass the chairman

Only the chairman can create new glory and amaze the world

So far, TSMC does not have any chairman to modify the PMD system that has been disclosed to retain the most talents

Let's take a look at how the chairman of TSMC reversed in 2009, and the reputational damage crisis reached a new peak

Can't violate the chairman's order, let the chairman violate the commitment to the society

Blog https://tmdtree.blogspot.com/

YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClBWKPqpH7yxip8FU1q65wQ?sub_confirmation=1

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/happytsmc

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/811745563092098

Zhongtian News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHy_gm2j9Tc

2022年3月10日 星期四


2009年,半導體教父,張忠謀Morris Chang,為何公開收回執行長的重大裁員決策

張忠謀創立的,績效管理與發展制度PMD 三大原則:
第一點 :「鼓勵表現優異者。」
第二點 :「督促改善,不改善才請他離開。」
第三點 :「努力卻不稱職,主動為他尋求他職。」

但是目前台積電 卻有少數主管
正默默地 重蹈覆轍 製造危機......
台積電 少數主管
不能違反董事長的命令 讓董事長違反對社會的承諾

精選文章 一般大眾對勞動檢查的誤解

一般大眾對勞動檢查的誤解~只有「 行政執行權」, 並無法對爭議事項作出判斷或裁決

一般大眾對勞動檢查的誤解~勞動檢查單位(勞動部或是科技部)只有行政執行權, 並無法對爭議事項作出判斷或裁決 以下是個人經驗與心得, 僅提供參考, 本人不負任何責任 如果有遇到相關的爭議或事件, 請務必再與相關權責單位或律師確認清楚 最近因為一些勞資問題,做了一些諮詢(勞動部與科技...